Tag: php

  • XAMPP 1.7.4, PHP 5.4, SQL Server 2008 R2

    Recently I had problem connecting PHP 5.4 with SQL Server 2008 R2 using sqlsrv_connect() method. After browsing through hundreds of pages, I found a bit clue in Federico Giust post here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9824162/php-5-3-not-recognizing-native-client-to-connect-to-ms-sql. I turn on process monitor for httpd, open php page that execute sqlsrv_connect(), and found out that there were problem in “HKLM\Software\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\Sql Server […]

  • XAMPP 1.8, PHP 5.4.4, SQL Server 2008 R2

    Ceritanya laptop gue baru diformat, dan sedang menginstall-install lagi program-program yang gue perlu. Beberapa program yang wajib ada tuh XAMPP dan SQL Server 2008. Sebelumnya gue menggunakan XAMPP 1.7.3 dan SQL Server 2008. Sekalian install ulang, gue mau pakai versi yang terbaru yaitu XAMPP 1.8 dan SQL Server 2008 R2. Ternyata kejadian tidak seindah harapan. […]

  • Reliability Modelling Balongan

    Finally, gw balik lagi ke Bandung setelah 2 hari bermalam di Balongan, dekat Indramayu. Di Balongan gw dan tim men-deploy aplikasi Reliability Modelling untuk Pertamina RU-VI. Sempat ada beberapa problem di server, yang paling ribet Yii gagal connect ke SQL Server dan PHP di server gagal mengeksekusi file .exe. Untungnya masalah Yii dan SQL server […]

  • Connect Yii and SQL Server

    We can connect Yii and SQL Server following instructions in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iWa303gi1w. 100% correct, tested by some programmers in our team :D. But sadly, it is not a perfect world for all of us, including me. I kept up with the video and repeated it thousand times just to end up with SQLSTATE[HY000][-1] error. It didn’t happen to […]