
I feel grateful to know my girlfriend, Fenny. She’s a psychiatrist in the making. She could see my blind side and be an example of how to be a better person. These are some of the principles she shared with me.

1. Think of others

I suppose this is one of her core values in life. She’s attentive to the needs of others and does her best to help them. She often doesn’t explain her efforts, it can make me oblivious.

I used to think that I was doing just fine. I act fair, I don’t hurt other by purpose, I help strangers once in a while. Knowing her, well her standard is way higher than mine.

2. See both strength and weakness

I tend to focus on other people’s weaknesses. I didn’t really get it until I got annoyed at being criticized by her. It made me feel “NOT OK” and question my character.

We should see both strength and weakness in others. We value their strengths and help them in their weaknesses, as we aware of our faults too.

3. Be grateful

I remember one of the deep questions she asked early in our relationship was, “What are you grateful for today?”. Apparently she’s practicing to be grateful everyday, at every little things.

She makes me realize I often focus on the negatives. “Our dating time is so short”, I told her on our date since she had to rest for her duty the next day. “Just be grateful that we can meet”, she said.

I believe our relationship should be able to make us a better person. There’s a lot I can learn from her, I guess I should focus on one thing at a time.

This is our first photo in 2022






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